Tower of Terror Elevator Dial

Today's tutorial is based on one of my favorite attractions, Disney's Twilight Zone Tower of Terror!
-Foam core board
-Short dowel
-Scratch on numbers
-Acrylic Paint

1. Draw out the dial on the cardstock, you can use reference photos from fan sites like, or google. Below is a graphic of the dial I created in Illustrator which can also be a reference.

2. Paint
3. For the numbers I found some rub on, or scratch on numbers which worked great and where clean. You can also draw the numbers on if you choose.
4. Drill or cut a hole through the center the size of your dowel, and cut dowel to width of board.
5 Cut out of cardstock and paint the hand for the dial and glue to end of dowel.
6. Cut a triangle shaped piece and glue to other end of dowel. This is so you can move it from behind, and you can mark indicators on the back so you know where it is pointing.

7. Enjoy!


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