Lagoon Ride Competion 2009

This is my first 'The Vault' entry. The vault will be memories or experiences I have had that I feel have lead me to where I am today. Today I wanted to share my Lagoon Ride Design experience. Utah only has one amusement park, Lagoon, every year they have a physics day at lagoon in conjunction with Utah State University  where high schools from all over come and learn about physics. A small group of us from Wasatch High School where going and the night before I was reading what was going to happen and I came across a call for entries for a ride design competition. I had to enter because of all people I should win because that is my future career to design rides and attractions, so that night I worked long hours to create a display and design for a roller coaster concept I had. I created a simulation in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 recorded it and made a short DVD which I had on display showing the simulation. a display board with concept art and description, and a model of the ride vehicle. The next day when I showed up to go the group was a bit confused why I had all this stuff which I quickly explained. I got set up and enjoyed the rest of the day at the amusement park. When I came back at the end I found I had won first place which I think is amazing after such short notice. It must be Destiny...

Link to USU Article.

UPDATE: Link to Concept Art


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