After Completing the signs for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad they asked me to create Art and Signs for Frontierland Operation's Office that would be themed to go with Frontierland and represent each attraction we operate. Each image is used with permission, but is copyright of the Disney Company.

The last few months have been quite here because I have been hard at work at the Walt Disney World Resort as an Attractions Host of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. It has been a great opportunity to experience the inner working of the theme park business and also has proved me with networking opportunities. Recently my managers have discovered my graphic talents and have asked me to create themed signage for the attraction which will be used in their backstage areas, so unless the ride breaks down you are unlikely to see them, but I feel honored to have my talents touch such a classic attraction. I have also uploaded some art work I created but has not been used. All artwork is displayed with permission but is all copyrighted by the Disney Company.


I was looking back at some of my older sketchup models and decided to play around with my first sketchup model, Darkastle. This was modeled after Williamsburg, VA Bushe Garden's Curse of Darkastle ride exterior. I made some adjustments and added some of my own flair and here are some renderings of the model.


I have had the wonderful opportunity to see Disney's latest animated feature, Frozen. It just might be my favorite Disney movie... I am still deciding. The wonderful characters from the film inspired me to dabble my hand in some digital art and create these... Enjoy!

Elsa, Let it Go


Finishing up with this term at SCAD my final for my drawing class was to do another self portrait which symbolises us. So I did the picture below...

The Castle in the background is my ancestral home in Scotland.

In one of my classes lately we were assigned to do a self portrait. I have never enjoyed drawing people, it was one of those things I really struggled with but I knew with this piece if I were ever going to be at peace with myself I felt I had to feel it looked like me. So after hours of work, adjusting, and redoing this was the result and I am very happy with the outcome! The prompt was to draw ourselves as another character, so I chose Prince Eric from Disney's The Little Mermaid. It was drawn on black paper with white charcoal. I was very excited to find that my teacher had chosen it to display on the wall in our building, this is 3/3 on getting my work on the wall.

Self Portrait
Face Close Up
Castle Close Up
In the Hall
Initial Sketch

Original Set up
My Latest project in my Drawing class was to attach some food related objects to a piece of cardboard and draw them using charcoal. This week at SCAD we held the Themed Entertainment Association's SATE Conference (Storytelling, Architecture, Technology, Experience) I was a volunteer at the conference which was a fabulous opportunity, but it meant I had to get this done quickly, overall it took me four hours to create this drawing.

Final Picture